Testbed for the Glossary of Dimensions
updated 27 October 2024- _yep
- 0
- 0+x x:0<x<1
- 1
- absolute
- action
- actuator
- advice
- affinity
- again
- air
- all
- alliteration
- ampere
- and
- angle
- answer
- anti
- arc
- art
- ass
- attempt
- attribute
- awareness
- axiom
- babelgram
- balance
- banana
- bananarithmetic
- begin
- blood
- book
- boson
- bridge
- breakfast
- Brownian motion
- C,c
- candela
- chaos
- chaotic
- chirality
- cheap
- colour
- comment
- conclusion
- consciousness
- construction
- contain
- content
- cosmology
- coulomb
- courage
- danger
- dark
- data
- death
- definition
- dignity
- dimension
- direction
- directory
- down
- E
- Earth
- edit
- element
- else
- empty
- end
- END.
- enemy
- energy
- essence
- ever
- everybody
- everything
- expert
- extract
- false
- famous
- fear
- fermion
- field
- file
- fire
- fluid
- folly
- food
- forth
- free
- frequency
- fresh!
- fun
- G
- Gaia
- galaxy
- gas
- good luck
- gratis!
- gravity
- greatest
- green
- ground
- ground zero
- guest
- happy
- harmony
- hate
- health
- help
- history
- holy
- home
- hope
- human
- humour
- hype
- hysteresis
- i
- id
- identity
- if
- iff
- image
- important
- index
- infinity
- info
- info_nugget
- information
- instruction
- instruction set
- instrument
- interesting
- inverse
- ISD?
- J
- job
- jolly
- joule
- joy
- jump
- K
- kelvin
- kg
- knot
- l
- language
- legend!
- length
- Leibniz
- library
- life
- light
- link
- list
- lost
- love
- luck
- M,m
- mandate
- mapping
- mass
- matter
- memory
- message
- meter
- metre
- mirror
- model
- mol
- motto
- music
- N
- name
- nand
- nasty
- natural
- naught
- network
- never
- newton
- Newton
- next
- no
- node
- noise
- nor
- not
- nought
- now!
- number
- O
- off
- on
- one
- operand
- operation
- operator
- or
- order
- other
- otherwise
- P,p
- Pa
- palindrome
- palindromedary
- particle
- pascal
- peace
- pen
- phiosophy
- pi
- plasma
- please
- Please_Edit
- Please_Some_One_Else
- Please_Wait
- Please_Yourself
- prime
- procedure
- processor
- program
- public
- Q,q
- Q?
- quantum
- quantum mechanics
- quantum object
- quark
- quasar
- quasi
- Q,q
- query
- quest
- question
- quid
- quill
- quiz
- R
- radian
- real
- red
- repeat
- request
- roger
- root
- ruis
- s
- safe
- scope
- second
- see
- self
- selves
- sense
- sensor
- set
- sex
- shelves
- SI
- signal
- sink
- solid
- source
- span
- spectrum
- speed
- spin
- standard
- star
- steradian
- stop
- string
- strange
- style
- sun
- sweat
- symmetry
- system
- T,t
- tea
- tears
- temp
- test
- testware
- text
- textbase
- textware
- then
- think
- time
- tmp
- topology
- tree
- trees
- trivial
- true
- trust
- turbulent
- U
- UN
- unconditional
- unit
- universe
- up
- vague
- virtual
- vortex
- wait
- war
- water
- wave
- wisdom
- whose bill?
- workshop
- X,x
- xor
- xchng
- xlate
- xref
- Y
- Z
- Zaphod
- Zeno
- zero