Testbed for the Glossary of Dimensions

updated 8 September 2024
  1. _yep
  2. 0
  3. 0+x  x:0<x<1
  4. 1
  5. absolute
  6. action
  7. actuator
  8. advice
  9. affinity
  10. again
  11. air
  12. all
  13. alliteration
  14. ampere
  15. and
  16. angle
  17. answer
  18. anti
  19. arc
  20. art
  21. ass
  22. attempt
  23. attribute
  24. awareness
  25. axiom
  26. babelgram
  27. balance
  28. banana
  29. bananarithmetic
  30. begin
  31. blood
  32. book
  33. boson
  34. bridge
  35. breakfast
  36. Brownian motion
  37. C,c
  38. candela
  39. chaos
  40. chaotic
  41. chirality
  42. cheap
  43. colour
  44. comment
  45. conclusion
  46. consciousness
  47. construction
  48. contain
  49. content
  50. cosmology
  51. coulomb
  52. courage
  53. danger
  54. dark
  55. data
  56. death
  57. definition
  58. dignity
  59. dimension
  60. direction
  61. directory
  62. down
  63. E
  64. Earth
  65. edit
  66. element
  67. else
  68. empty
  69. end
  70. END.
  71. enemy
  72. energy
  73. essence
  74. ever
  75. everybody
  76. everything
  77. expert
  78. extract
  79. false
  80. famous
  81. fear
  82. fermion
  83. field
  84. file
  85. fire
  86. fluid
  87. folly
  88. food
  89. forth
  90. free
  91. frequency
  92. fresh!
  93. fun
  94. G
  95. gas
  96. galaxy
  97. G
  98. GLS
  99. GND
  100. good luck
  101. gratis!
  102. gravity
  103. greatest
  104. green
  105. ground
  106. ground zero
  107. guest
  108. happy
  109. harmony
  110. hate
  111. health
  112. help
  113. history
  114. holy
  115. home
  116. hope
  117. human
  118. humour
  119. hype
  120. hysteresis
  121. i
  122. id
  123. identity
  124. if
  125. iff
  126. image
  127. important
  128. index
  129. infinity
  130. info
  131. info_nugget
  132. information
  133. instruction
  134. instruction set
  135. instrument
  136. interesting
  137. inverse
  138. ISD?
  139. J
  140. job
  141. jolly
  142. joule
  143. joy
  144. jump
  145. K
  146. kelvin
  147. kg
  148. knot
  149. l
  150. language
  151. legend!
  152. length
  153. Leibniz
  154. library
  155. life
  156. light
  157. link
  158. list
  159. lost
  160. love
  161. luck
  162. M,m
  163. mandate
  164. mapping
  165. mass
  166. matter
  167. memory
  168. message
  169. meter
  170. metre
  171. mirror
  172. model
  173. mol
  174. motto
  175. music
  176. N
  177. name
  178. nand
  179. nasty
  180. natural
  181. naught
  182. network
  183. never
  184. newton
  185. Newton
  186. next
  187. no
  188. node
  189. noise
  190. nor
  191. not
  192. nought
  193. now!
  194. number
  195. O
  196. off
  197. on
  198. one
  199. operand
  200. operation
  201. operator
  202. or
  203. order
  204. other
  205. otherwise
  206. P,p
  207. Pa
  208. palindrome
  209. palindromedary
  210. particle
  211. PASCAL
  212. pascal
  213. peace
  214. pen
  215. phiosophy
  216. pi
  217. plasma
  218. please
  219. Please_Edit
  220. Please_Some_One_Else
  221. Please_Wait
  222. Please_Yourself
  223. prime
  224. procedure
  225. processor
  226. program
  227. public
  228. PYTHON
  229. Q,q
  230. Q?
  231. QCD
  232. QED
  233. QSO
  234. quantum
  235. quantum mechanics
  236. quantum object
  237. quark
  238. quasar
  239. quasi
  240. Q,q
  241. query
  242. quest
  243. question
  244. quid
  245. quill
  246. quiz
  247. R
  248. radian
  249. real
  250. red
  251. repeat
  252. request
  253. roger
  254. root
  255. ruis
  256. s
  257. safe
  258. scope
  259. second
  260. see
  261. self
  262. selves
  263. sense
  264. sensor
  265. set
  266. sex
  267. shelves
  268. SI
  269. signal
  270. sink
  271. solid
  272. source
  273. span
  274. spectrum
  275. speed
  276. spin
  277. SQL
  278. standard
  279. star
  280. steradian
  281. stop
  282. string
  283. strange
  284. style
  285. sun
  286. sweat
  287. symmetry
  288. system
  289. T,t
  290. tea
  291. tears
  292. temp
  293. test
  294. testware
  295. text
  296. textbase
  297. textware
  298. then
  299. think
  300. time
  301. tmp
  302. topology
  303. tree
  304. trees
  305. trivial
  306. true
  307. trust
  308. turbulent
  309. U
  310. UN
  311. unconditional
  312. unit
  313. universe
  314. up
  315. vague
  316. VIPOP
  317. virtual
  318. vortex
  319. wait
  320. war
  321. water
  322. wave
  323. wisdom
  324. whose bill?
  325. workshop
  326. X,x
  327. xor
  328. xchng
  329. xlate
  330. xref
  331. Y
  332. Z
  333. Zaphod
  334. Zeno
  335. zero